How to Find Us

Locations, Directions and Maps

Abers Acres
Farm stand and sales room

884 Route 394 Kennedy, NY

Stop at the main farm stand for organic produce, baked goods, flowers, honey, maple syrup, herbs. Plus, information about u-pick organic fruits and vegetables when available.

In the off season, stop by the sales room located at the house for frozen foods, honey, maple syrup and more. Opened daily.

Abers Acres: U-Pick Strawberry and Raspberries

409 Grubb Hill Road, Kennedy, NY
Bring containers to take home your berries. We have you-pick buckets for you to use. 

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Sales Room Opened

Updated: February 20, 2025

Winter Hours:

Monday - Friday 10 am to 6 pm Saturday & Sunday 9 am to 5 pm

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